Sorry listen I’m not entering into a bullshit generic conversation with you okay I don’t see why I should have to I refused point blank to pain mental stimulation.

I just want a haircut that’s what I’m paying for, it that’s all I want.

I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be rude but it’s not as if we’re gonna have a enlightening discussion.

Well would you like to have an enlightening discussion about?

How about Blume how about the theory that his on Manning constitutes the breakdown of the patriarchal system, it’s kind of like the elimination of sexual dimorphism clearing the way for the androgynous, you know? you’re familiar with these ideas no? you wouldn’t be, would you?

The Wikipedia entry doesn’t mention them, decision you waltz in here carrying a book you haven’t understood probably even read using it as a shield to protect yourself from the mediocrity and superficiality that threatened you everywhere you go.

If they see this book in my hand they’re sure to realize I’m too intellectual for a chitchat, I just sit quietly and have a really intelligent time on my own at the hairdresser, you think I want to have chitchat with you?

It’s work it’s part of my work duties, should try it sometime… But no you’re too busy ordering witty t-shirts off the internet again showing rather than knowing ideas and theories.

Look at me I’m an angry, lonely young man with little or no sense of self but hey I have appropriated the ideas of iconic thinker’s surely that has elevated me to some level of acceptability.

You look down your nose at people and what you perceive to be their simple ways and preoccupations but consider this these simple people know what they’re about, they know who they are.

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