However, as someone really interested in situationnism, what do you refers to exactly by saying “Society of the Spectacle” ? “the true is a moment of the false” and we care more about its representation than about the thing itself, but maybe you could be more specific ? The use of the term seems a bit dubious to me.

No, it was always dead. PoMo never had a soul. It is worse than nihilism.

Postmodernism is right about the first part – that no one narrative is the final, exclusive, complete truth incumbent upon all for all time – but wrong about the second part – that therefore any narrative is as good as any other narrative. We have values. We have aspirations. Some things work better to get us where we want to go than others. This applies not only in biology and technology but also in the transcendental, metaphysical, mythological spheres. That which makes life worthwhile and allows it to continue. If you don’t care about life, if you don’t care about succeeding, then it doesn’t matter; if you do care, then it does. We try, we strive, we fail, we improve, we succeed… outside our narratives, there is something – call it the LOGOS, the TAO, the UNIVERSE – that determines whether our belief systems, narratives, actions, etc., are successful or not, whether they continue or not. whether they have life or not. We are free to choose what to do; we are not free to choose if what we do will work or not. Postmodernism is nihilistic and adopting its precepts will lead to the end of life. It is wrong, not because it doesn’t correspond to a free-standing reality in a static one-to-one way, but simply because it doesn’t work to advance life. Religions are shared values a society can agree on and strive towards emotionally, aesthetically and intellectually. This bonding function has biological value. Religions evolve as our understanding and confidence and our room to manoeuvre evolves. So does science. So does society. So, a nailed-down dogmatism isn’t the way but neither is an open-ended “anything goes”. Anything goes THAT ACTUALLY GOES. Anything the LOGOS, TAO, UNIVERSE, let’s us get away with and promotes life in the longrun.

“Socialists are like onions” – Leonid Sherksky

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