I once apologized and the SJWs used it against me sometime down the line. They use anything and everything as a political weapon. It’s like dealing with a borderline woman; she doesn’t care about how the game is played, it’s about wining at all costs. People like that have no honour. They have no respect for anyone, not even themselves.


I am glad that they mentioned how religious movements are a part of why ‘micro aggressions’ came into being. A very interesting part of this whole SJW conversation is that the far right and the far left often agree on the outcomes but use different arguments to get there. Further, ‘moral panic’ is very much a conservative victim mentality – the SJW movement may be an extreme reaction to a conservative position. For example, a religious conservative may say abortion is morally wrong and even making it available is a sin. When that religious conservative starts pushing these beliefs into policy positions, getting politicians to pass anti-abortion laws and remove funding, it is a reasonable reaction that these would be viewed as ‘aggressive assaults’ on pro-choice. What happens is that there really is no middle ground because if you try to have a nuanced view on this subject, as Mr. Haidt says, you are demonized. Very great interview. And, in general, I don’t trust either extremely conservative religious people nor extremely progressive SJWs – both roads lead to totalitarianism and each side is very much aware that to win this war, they need to control the laws, social conditioning, and policies our country adopts. The scary part is that both sides together create the perfect environment for demagoguery & identity politics.

Safe spaces especially where protected groups include ideologies and enforcement of biological gender unspecific pro nouns = bonkers loony lefty thought police just as Orson Wells predicted.

Party is hijacked by Islamist, SJW, PC, “Trigger warning & safe space” whiners, black life matters, TYT etc extreme left.

Good point about educators teaching students to think in precisely the way cognitive therapy teaches people not to think. Postmodernism is the ideology that enables this trend toward self-indulgent, childish thinking. Postmodernism rejects the possibility for truth (though they don’t come out and acknowledge it). A world without truth, facts, and reality, a world in which everything is just what some subjective imagination dreams up or what a group of like-minded subjectivists dream up is a world of mental illness. — Regarding the notion that students can be traumatized by exposure to ideas, it’s not just a result of over-protective upbringing, it’s also a consequence of the catastrophizing mentioned in the cognitive therapy discussion, and the lack of intellectual self-discipline that postmodernism promotes. — There’s a margin of trauma that depends on the attention and validation that the “traumatized” person contributes. Trauma can be both under-validated and over-validated.

  Many of the finer parts of human life require us to take a passive approach to them, not trying to control or exploit them, but allowing ourselves to be affected by them. Love, empathy, appreciation for beauty, respect and reverence where appropriate are examples, but a newer trend tries to scientize art and the humanities, to analyze them to see how they can be controlled and exploited. — Too much reliance on scientism and postmodernism are two branches of the same tree. The roots of postmodernism go back to early modern science and empiricism.
Descartes, an early atomic theorist (microcorpuscularianism) and scientist in hydraulics and optics, and the inventor of the means to inter-translate geometry and algebra, also pretty much invented the notion that we call subjectivity. Humean skepticism grows right out of the assumption he shared with Locke that “every thing in nature is an individual,” an assumption implicit in science’s mathematization of physical phenomena. And yet, science works marvelously in rendering the world more easily manipulated for human purposes, and its history raised our expectations regarding the nature of truth to extravagant degrees.
Yet we forget that science is a manipulative take on reality, not a neutral description of it. The most neutral take on reality is the most passive one, which doesn’t render reality in forms that enable us to exploit it. But description itself is a manipulative process, and beyond that, the objectification of every thing we perceive, label, or refer to. There is no such thing as a neutral description, but recognizing this might remind us that just by thinking about and understanding the world, we are manipulating it, so we can remind ourselves to take responsibility for that, and try to maintain some intellectual humility.

You don’t create a society by excluding a group of your choosing, nor can you actually have freedom when only “marginalized” groups may dictate things. The problem with this scenario is “marginalized” is very ill-defined. Are Jews part of the seven groups? Not anymore. Not since they became affluent in America. Is it okay to be an antisemite now then?

Also, it’s not about white males vs everybody else, that is a complete and utterly false pretention of reality. It’s about a vague notion of “privileged” vs “victimhood.” Your scenario oversimplies reality. What about gay white males? What about poor straight whites males? What about white females who love their husbands? You also drew a false equivalency here when you say they are having as much of a say, no, they are having a LOT more of a say. It’s a trial-by-POLITBURO vs everyone else who isn’t part of that politburo. That’s BAD. I hope you realize that.
It’s a Purgatory of Speech. What if I’m a black man who is afraid of radical Islam or an Asian kid who questions affirmative action? I’m not white in either of those scenarios, but I’d be similarly shut down, charged, or completely defamed, or worse, “investigated” by the so-called marginalized groups. LAst but not least, is the deeply troubling implication you make about whites vs the marginalized, and that is the fact that there is an implied WISH for historical VENGEANCE.
The notion that your ancestors killed mine, now I’m legally allowed to oppress you and your descendants openly. That somehow, if a group who was on top in the past, there is a NEED for them to be brought low today, and that this somehow equates to justice. Now, I’m NOT saying that’s what you’re trying to say, i’m saying there is an IMPLICATION, and that this kind of rhetoric has been shared overwhelmingly by this current culture, especially in the rhetoric seen in the BLM movement. The point is, this notion is morally, ethically, and humanistically TERRIFYING and the opposite of actual justice. In that world, people aren’t judged individually, they would be judged instead and subjected to all sorts of assaults on their personhood by mere association with a group YOU deem them to be a part of. In such a world, there can be no justice, no moral responsibility. NO ONE should be having any “of that shit.”

You got Sam Harris and somebody named Jonathan Haidt all freaked out about things called “Vindictive Protectiveness” and “Safe Spaces”.

But let’s hear another emotional outburst due to lack of intelligence from your ever thoughtful mind

You have no fucking clue, do you? You tired to make a fatuous point and fell flat on your fugly face. Just like your mother when I bent her over a rail and toe her rotator cunt.


He’s knows what he’s dong…does anyone know about his mastery of sophistry? He must, and he also understands how to apply (reserve) his energy, as well as knowing how to apply that energy with regard to what issues (wars) to take on.

Insanity is becoming the norm. Hard to believe but how would the insane know they are insane? What amazes me is that the sane don’t shout them down.

Rational thought processes can be tested against reality. Insanity is essentially a thought process that doesn’t match demonstrable reality. This is why people often become violently upset when their delusions are challenged.

Pejorative for someone with leprosy?

It has nothing to do with what either of us think. Reality is that which doesn’t go away when your little feelings are hurt.
You’re really terrible at arguing. The fact you keep repeating that bullshit about “hurt feelings” like I give even a single fuck about what lies-peddling rags and channels publish or broadcast proves that. And no-go zones are not reality, they are absolutely fictitious. You’re free to believe that nonsense and even call it reality but it doesn’t make you right
Arguing with a liberal is like playing chess with a pigeon. It knocks the pieces over, craps on the board and flies away declaring victory……. Yes, I’m “bad” at playing chess with pigeons……..”arguing” with people like you.
Haha the old pigeon chess playing game joke I’ve heard that many times.. Usually used by morons who have nothing original to say so they rely to some pre-conceived exprssions.At no point have you even attempted actually arguing. I don’t think you even know what it means. And you assume I’m liberal while I’m not even political, merely pointing out the lies and manipulations of people like you by unscrupulous media sources.

i am black Muslim trans-women in wheelchair. check your privilege !!

whites don’t have privilege , blacks don’t have privilege …the RICH have privilege …that’s it…..the rest is smoke and mirrors
your too woke ian, go back to sleep now.

The truth as told by pscyhologists is the opposite of what these SJWs say–that being exposed to “microaggressions” or any notion you’re uncomfortable with should give you an opportunity to see you’re actually completely fine and this is one of the ways of coping with PTSD, by gradual exposure to the things that trigger you. That they feel traumatized by such harmless things means something is very wrong or it’s all in their heads/ideology.

Apologizing to an SJW is like paying ransom money to a kidnapper before he hands you the prisioner. You know that you will lose both prisioner and money, and you’ve just given the bastard the power to keep blackmailing you.

This reply slipped under my notice, sorry I didn’t respond earlier. About why I’m not convinced whether imperialism or terroristic anti-imperialism is more dangerous: imperialists appear to be motivated by greed, but in order for greed to be fed, there has to be an Earth and a humanity to take advantage of, a status quo to maintain. Anti-imperialists, on the other hand, often appear to be motivated by vengeance, misguided notions of justice, or eschatology, and these individuals might not care whether or not there’s an Earth to live in after “justice” has been done. (Certainly, most anti-imperialists are motivated by human rights, but that doesn’t prevent the worst of them from achieving their goals.) In other words, while imperialism could easily lead to the total destruction of society—the close calls for nuclear war between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, for example, or climate change—imperialists are at least incentivized to preserve human civilization. Anti-imperialists may have good reasons to be angry, but that anger makes them more dangerous, less predictable, than the imperialists, once they resort to terrorism.

On a more personal level, I don’t believe we can ignore the agency of an individual just because their actions are precipitated by the actions of others. The invasion of Iraq might have created a power vacuum for ISIS to fill. Arms supplied to rebels by the US may have found their way into ISIS hands. And if that’s reality, the US government bears responsibility. But individuals had to choose to form ISIS. Individuals had to choose to pick up those arms and use them to wipe out Yazidis and behead journalists. The responsibility for those actions lies with the ones performing them, not the US. Even if you’re starving, you cannot deny responsibility when you rob another person at knifepoint.
This applies to all people, whether powerful or powerless. You say, “we are simply not virtuous enough, on average, to responsibly separate the two ideas [hating Islam and hating Muslims]”. Perhaps we aren’t virtuous enough. But even if we risk not living up to that virtue, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try. If your intellect tells you that Islam and the Muslim population are not one in the same, nor intrinsically linked, but you then decide to behave as if they are because you don’t trust yourself be virtuous enough—you’re showing a lack of respect for yourself, a lack of respect for human potential. It’s too cynical, too doublethink. It’s like the person who doesn’t believe in God, but claims they believe in God because they only trust themselves to do the right thing if they believe in God—they’re still atheists, only lying to themselves. Sure, the truth might be that I’m too prejudiced to criticize Judaism without resenting Jews as well.
But sometimes we have to put our ideals before truth, like the Hero who fought with Zekrom against his twin and Reshiram. The difference between us is that I’m willing to consider that Harris “could be lying to himself about his lack of prejudice”, without prematurely deciding one way or the other. You have decided that he is “prejudiced, or at least bigoted”, even though you cannot see into Harris’s mind.

People need to read 1984 again (or read it if they haven’t). This IS totalitarianism. We are even working on Newspeak (e.g. the R word).


He rejects the interventionism of the right but also rejects the placating self flagellation cuckolding white guilt of the left.

These days men generally aren’t willing to defend a system which, instead of AT LEAST  CALLING EVIL WHAT IT IS, make excuses and apologies for that evil and blame themselves in a sick cuckold fantasy of self flagellation, white guilt and liberal mental illness.

Hilary Clinton is a deceitful crook, a seditious-dishonest-politician and how anyone could vote for her is so telling on what now passes for a leader, we have become a nation of degenerates. At least with Trump you know what you get cuase he speaks his mind and he does have our country’s best interest in mind and he’ll have solid people around him to help. Clinton on the other hand won’t have people to help because she’s a sociopath-narcissist who will not listen to anyone. If you’re thinking about voting for Hilary I would ask you too first Read Christopher Hitchens: ‘No One Left to Lie To’ (the values of the worst family).

There is no true conservative. There are only ‘conservatives” in general and in practice. Neo-liberals are not warmongers. It’s a false equivalence. It’s like saying fox news and CNN are equally politically biased. That’s just a reductionism based on a falsehood you need to believe to justify your ideology. Hillary clinton is o warmonger, that’s total bullshit. That’s like calling Bernie sanders a gun freak owned by the NRA. Wow, she voted for the iraq war resolution, after Bush already declared he was invading iraq regardless of the resolution, and 90% of her constituents supported it. to call that warmongering is fatuous. Have you no common sense? Is everything black and white in your world? Bill Clinton never invaded iraq. He didn’t invade anyone like Bush did. Conservatives are owned by the NRA and military industrial complex. This is known by anyone with any knowledge on the subject.

“Sure Hillary is bad on free speech, but Trump is mean” – Haidt

You gotta be the one that locks eyes with them in a philosophy course and say the shit you know will trigger them. Say the words that you know your professor can no longer utter out of fear. Speak of the subjects that makes them stutter, watch them fumbled over words as their arguments fail under scrutiny. These intellectually crippled adult-children can’t handle the debate, but that doesn’t mean we’re not allowed to have it.

What kind of insult is “old ass fuckboy” anyway? Given the option I’d rather have my legal name changed to ‘Mr O. A. Fuckboy’ than ‘Mr C.Flicker’, which you probably chose out of fear for using your real name: Clit Flicker. Which I know because your mom always said she liked the way I flicked her clit and promised to name our least successful child after this act. We’re both dissapointed in you and we love your brothers, Flap Waggler and Pube Peeler, much more than you.

Feminist in the US all talk about rape culture, but it’s always the man who is considered guilty unti proven otherwise by society. Even if a rape accusation is proven to be false, the stigma to that person’s reputation tends to linger. I am familiar with some of the work of Mrs. Summers. Ironically, it’s the feminists who have damaged women’s position in rape cases, due to banking heavily on incidents that backfired. When public awareness was brought to several alleged cases of rape that turned out to be false accusations, it just showed that you can’t give someone the benefit of the doubt based on gender. At the end of the day, zealots are always a bad choice to push for any agenda. They just end up ruining it. Personally, I think that feminism has served its purpose and is tainted beyond redemption. You want equal rights, be an egalitarian.

“Ridicule is the only Weapon against unintelligible propositions” ~ Jefferson

if they back right-wing antisexual antihumane causes and defend islam then they are right wing fundies. If it quacks it’s a duck. That has nothing to do with any “Scotsman”. You see, I’m not claiming that it plays bagpipes and wears a kilt but somehow it’s not a true Scotsman, but that it doesn’t play bagpipes or wear a kilt!!

This is why Nietzche favored religion as a tool for the tribal-minded. Removing it creates a vacuum. Tribal people are crazy whether you give them a god or not.

“we have killed god and now we have no ground to stand upon”. Paraphrased.

So true. Fragile Millenials. All they need are diapers and binkies.

“Anyone who seeks to censor others, is inherently evil . ” Splitting much?

No, YOU are trying to put words in my mouth, but you can’t do that because you are not even close to smart enough. First of all, no, there isn’t “systemic racism” just because you say there is. If you would open your fucking eyes, you would see that a large majority of these delusional SJW’s are ABSOLUTELY saying that all whites are racist. Not only that, but many of them are calling for “white genocide” and starting riots all over the country for no good reason. So fuck them for that. Just like you, they don’t understand reality and, despite all the statistics and facts, still think that there is “systemic racism” in America and in “the West” in general. If you “believe” that, then you’re either misinformed, uninformed, in denial, or full of shit. You are clearly unable to understand basic concepts like “Justice” and “Correctness”, but think you have some deep knowledge about words like “SOCIAL Justice” and “Political Correctness”, and despite having access to literally thousands of hours of footage of retarded dickhead SJW’s making a total ass out of themselves on YouTube, you still don’t understand what SJW’s even represent. You are clueless. Possibly hopeless. Second of all, just so we are totally clear…The term “Reverse Racist” is used by RETARDS who don’t know what the fuck they are talking about. The term “Reverse Racist” is used by propagandists mostly who want YOUR DUMB FUCKING ASS to THINK and BELIEVE that only whites can be racist and only whites ARE racist. Why do you think so many DUMB FUCKING SJW’s THINK THAT BLACK PEOPLE CAN’T BE RACIST???? Haven’t you ever heard this “Racism = Privilege+Power+Prejudice” nonsense?????? If not, then you’re not ready to have this discussion. Lastly, I’m not “policing your language” you dolt…I’m explaining basic DEFINITIONS OF WORDS to you, because you are a fucking RETARD who is USING THE WORDS WRONG, YOU IDIOT. I don’t care if you use the word wrong all day long, but I’m not going to. So if you want to TALK TO ME, you either use the words properly, like a person who ISN’T A FUCKING MORON, or I’ll have to take the time to EXPLAIN WHAT THE WORDS ACTUALLY FUCKING MEAN.

No. I’m not looking for a conversation with you. I tried answering your first comment reasonably, then you insisted on calling me “dickweed”. I’m not going to waste my time HUMORING your DUMBASS BULLSHIT when your first response to me contains a direct insult. So no. Go fuck YOURself. By the way, I answered all your sophomoric idiocy with common sense and logic. You’re a fucking idiot. End of conversation.

The purpose of Safe Spaces and Micro Aggression is Censorship, segregation and the control of thought.

I’d say it would be worth determining whether there was a direct cause-effect relationship between being offended and being sick, or if there were other underlying issues associated with that particular correlation. The fact remains that people who complain about being offended are demanding special treatment, while others who may be just as offended have learned to live with the offense without acting out harmfully against the offenders. Jews and Christians and indeed atheists like me have to face lampoons about their beliefs (or lack of belief) sometimes on a daily basis, yet the incidences of their taking violent action against such sources of irritation are rare at best. Further, it is my observation that Muslims in particular are taught to have such reactions by their imams and a holy book that claims to be THE LAST WORD, which is arguable at best and ludicrous at worst. This is not unlike the preferential treatment that many religions have demanded over the years and have lost as people grew up and refused to acquiesce to those beliefs. In short, all the fooforaw is the result of manipulation of some humans by other humans, something that religion has done for millennia, and which I have no interest in tolerating.

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