The term buoyancy refers to how well something floats or sinks if something is able to float we would say that it’s buoyant so what makes something float or sink.

Generally we can determine if something can float by feeling its weight usually if something is light it floats or is positively buoyant, if it’s heavy then it sinks or is negatively buoyant.

This is an easy enough explanation for us to accept right but the idea becomes shaky, when we consider why something really heavy like a cruise ship is able to float to understand this we need to understand the concept of density.

Density is amount of stuff or mass something has inside of it compared to

its volume or size, for example if we look at this bucket full of sand we

would say that it’s more dense than this identical empty bucket.

Because the bucket full of sand has more stuff, it’s got more mass another example such this bowling ball it has more mass than a basketball, because if basketball is full of air but a bowling ball is full of stuff, so even though the bowling ball is smaller it’s more dense than the basketball.

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