So here you go this is from the Wonderlic people they’re a commercial company that makes general cognitive ability tests and it’s often used by corporations even though it’s actually illegal, it’s actually illegal to use IQ tests but the Wonderlic doesn’t promote themselves as testing IQ I think they think it’s general cognitive ability which is the same thing but whatever the SAT, the GREs, the LSAT all of those are IQ tests so now they’re more crystallized than fluid we’ll get to that in a minute but crystallized knowledge is what you accrue across time.

So you could say that fluid intelligence is what programs your brain it fills it with facts let’s say it filled it with knowledge and then but you can get an estimate of your intelligence by sampling your domain of factual knowledge and the reason for that is that well obviously the better the programmer the better the content and so what that also means is that you could.

If you were did prefrontal cortex was damaged later in life your fluid IQ , could plummet but your crystallized IQ remain more or less intact, even though they’re not different one produces the other and then once the producer has produced then the producer can disappear and you still got the encoded knowledge.

I mean everything is a race, roughly speaking and the faster you are the more likely you are to be at the forefront of the pack and intelligence in large part is speed.

So if you’re moving towards something difficult rapidly, the faster people are going to get there first.

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