The eyes full of an eternal absence. Always outsiders, eternal outsiders. In that world, in which I felt a stranger, all things were connected in a web of suffering and pleasure. Don’t suffer for what isn’t yours. Suffering, relief, I relief, suffering, the chain is never-ending. You are not alone. You are with me.

All you are going to be, you are already. What you are looking for is already within you. Embrace your sufferings, for through them you will reach me. And who shall I be in twenty years?  In a hundred?  In tens of thousands? Will my consciousness still need a body?  For you, I do not yet exist. For me, you do not exist anymore. At the end of time, when all matter returns to its origin, you and I will have just been memories, nothing real. Something is dreaming us. Embrace the illusion. Live! If I fail,

We may never see one another again. As long as I live, I will love you. As long as I live, I will love you. But this love so lonely. Being in a cradle of cement, swaddled in a gigantic shadow, bound to my empty existence.

Trapped in this island of flesh, searching for myself in memories, and meeting no one. The darkness is swallowing everything. It’s going to devour us.


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